
Are you sure you want to change the hardware?

You are about to lose all changes you have made to the account. If you want to proceed with the changes you made, click on the Cancel link. If you want to cancel your entire transaction, click on the Continue button.


Change an Item

Making a change to the plan or device may require you to re-select the Financing ProgramTM program



Business plans are only eligible for Business Regular Customers. If you are assisting a business customer, please create a business account before selecting a device. If this is not a business customer, please change their price plan.

Which cart would you like to use?

You added some items to the cart before accessing your Rogers.com online profile which contains a previously saved cart. Would you like to use the cart from your online profile? Please confirm by clicking Continue. If you click Cancel, the cart in your current session will replace the previously saved cart.


You are successfully logged out. To login, please proceed with CHAMP URL



Maximum number of logins reached
In order to continue please logout of all open sessions on other tabs or in other browsers before clicking continue or click cancel to return to the login screen

An error occurred

Some information is not available. Please try again.